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August 2023 News! Catch up on all the studio news for this month!

So we have very nearly made it to the end of our season And we think we have finally worked out how to add our newsletters to our website so you can easily go back and access them rather than trawlling your emails!! whoo hoo!! Starting from now your monthly news will be archived in our blog section of the website under the catagory studio news. Released the first Monday of the month you'll also be able to find it in the achieve by month let gets right to that news.....

We are enjoying watching our babyballet stars recieve their certificates in classes this week.So many are moving up classes including our eldest stars graduating to our creative ballet and tap sessions. We can't wait to see where their dance journey takes them with us in the coming years. With so much to look forward to next term we hope everyone gets some well earnt rest. We will be doing a spot of sprusing up of our studio buidings over the break and we have already made a start on the website. Do come check it out The youth pages have launched and the sdult classes are being updated as we speak....super exciting as we will be releasing the information for our new prgrams and sessions too!! In the coming weeks our youth dancers will recieve an email confirming the new season classes so please keep an eye out as that will come form our database, though still the same email address. Have a wonderful break and we will see you all back on the 4th September


Don't forget to collect your photos and videos from our awesome showcase this week otherwise you will need to wait until we return in September to get your hands on them....and there really are some beauts. Our dancers are truely fantastic! If you ordered DVDs after the 15th cut off date they will be sent to Wizard in september to be fulfilled so there is still time if you missed out on the first round. Jess will re-open the gallery for photo orders again towards Christmas as they make such great presents so do keep an eye on your emails for the dates that happens


Our first week of summer dance activites have been fantastic. As we enter the second week we still have some spaces available......a great way to keep the kids active during the drizzly August days! Learn More and Book Online


Have you checked out our recent blog posts? We are always trying to deliver extra content and information to our members.....a great way to find out more about us and dance in general is by grabbing a cuppa and logging into our blog full of useful articles...more added over the weeks we are closed to keep you entertained Check out our blog pages


Dates for those diaries! Summer camps: July 31st- 11th August 2023 babyballet Certificates: 7th - 12th August 2023 babyballet fees due: 13th August 2023 Summer Break: NO CLASSES 13th August - 3rd September Chance to Dance: October 29th babyballet & Pre school Christmas Showcase 17th December 2023

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